Campaign Updater
Tech Stack: 3Purpose: Find hot leads and clear email inboxExplanation: Similar to the previous scenario, this one tracked opens and clicks from a chrome extension. Triggered hourly, it will search for emails with…
Tech Stack: 3Purpose: Find hot leads and clear email inboxExplanation: Similar to the previous scenario, this one tracked opens and clicks from a chrome extension. Triggered hourly, it will search for emails with…
Tech Stack: 1Purpose: Track email open counts to determine warm/hot leadsExplanation: In another scenario, we email golf courses and implant a webhook pixel into the email to track opens. Those webhooks are tallied…
Tech Stack: 7Purpose: Update and sync information across platforms when edits submittedExplanation: Golf courses or admins can revise their offers or business details via Gravity Forms. We use Make to sync that data…
Tech Stack: 3Purpose: Live pricing as offers are added or removedExplanation: Triggered by the Golf Course Edits scenario, this scenario counts the number of golf courses per state per category (used to determine…
Tech Stack: 7Purpose: Validate registration codes from gifts and 3rd party vendorsExplanation: Codes are sold from our website and through 3rd parties vendors. Because we wanted to lower the friction on the consumer…
Tech Stack: 12Purpose:Complete order processing workflowsExplanation: This scenario is triggered by another scenario that sorts orders by ProductID. In this case, the buyer purchased either a digital or physical membership card. They’re…